

Class teachers: Mrs Haywood (Monday-Wednesday) and Mrs Hoyle (Thursday/Friday)
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Buckingham, Mrs Wilkinson and Mrs Mottram

Welcome to Badgers Class; the home of Year 5 and 6.  Please take a look at our curriculum page for more information about the topics we will be covering this term.

Badgers PE Sessions

This year, PE will be on Wednesday mornings with Miss Shone. The children should come to school in PE kit on Wednesdays.

Forest School

Forest School session will be on Thursdays. Children can come to school wearing old clothes as their Forest School kit and bring in waterproofs on their Forest school days. Please keep a pair of wellies in school at all times.

Home Learning

The children will be given ability appropriate weekly spellings to learn. They will be tested on these spellings each Thursday. The children will be given weekly times tables or mental maths sheets to complete and the times tables will be tested on a Monday. They will be given weekly maths homework linked to their learning in school. The children will also be sent home with a weekly comprehension sheet to complete to support reading at home. Year 6 will be given additional SATS focus work. Children are expected to read with an adult or independently at home.

Please take a look at our curriculum page for more information about the topics we will be covering this term.

Badgers Autumn Term Overview 2024-25

Badgers Spring Term Overview 2024-25

Badgers Summer Term Overview 2024-25

Don’t forget to check our Facebook page and Twitter @Shocklachschool to see what we are getting up to!