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Our Science curriculum encourages the children to develop scientific knowledge and understanding of the world around them. We use practical enquiry and experimentation to allow the pupils to gain a deeper understanding of the concepts they are being taught. This equips the children with the scientific knowledge needed for their futures. They develop their skills to plan, undertake, observe and evaluate scientific experiments so they can work and think scientifically. Where possible, we make use of our outdoor areas to enhance our science lessons and link it to our Forest School sessions. Having exciting and hands on lessons allows the classroom to be full of children asking and answering their own questions in an environment where they are enthusiastic for the content they are being taught.
Design and Technology is taught based on our termly topics to encourage the children to make links across the curriculum. The children are taught to evaluate existing products and to design, produce and evaluate products of their own. Lessons incorporate cooking, textiles, construction materials, electrical components and artistic skills. Linked to our PSHE Wellbeing curriculum, our children are also taught about the importance of a healthy and varied diet.
At Shocklach Oviatt Primary School, we incorporate the use of computing equipment across the curriculum. Our children use the chrome books and ipads to create digital artwork, access worksheets, complete online research, create digital documents, access educational games and create digital music. We ensure that the children are taught the skills they need to access the digital world in a secure and safe way. Online safety is an important aspect of our curriculum and is taught along side our PSHE Wellbeing curriculum. The children are taught how to be safe online by understanding the dangers of, and how to deal with; bullying, stranger requests and comments, peer pressure, harmful and upsetting content and password security. Further details can be found within our E-Safety and Safeguarding policies.