Our School Council helps to make improvements to the school, organise charity events and lead assemblies. Together they help to make our school a happier and more inclusive environment where the opinions of all are valued. The School Council links with a key staff member who helps them to raise items with other staff members and to help them organise events within the school.
Our School Council is made up of children who have been voted for by their peers following presentations about what they feel they would bring to the role. They represent the views of their fellow students and allow the members to develop in confidence and learn to problem solve and negotiate.
We also have two Junior Safety Officers who work in partnership with the Cheshire West and Chester Road Safety Officers and Chester Constabulary to help promote road, community and personal safety. They present monthly bulletins to the school, organise a school notice board and also run competitions for our children to complete.
Our school has Eco Advisors, who are chosen by the students, to lead initiatives on sustainability and environmental awareness. The Eco Advisors work together with the school council to promote greener practises.