At Shocklach Oviatt Primary School, we have extensive measures in place help safeguard pupils from potential online dangers or unsuitable material. Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of pupils is embedded into the culture of the school and its everyday practice and procedures.
We ensure that online safety is taught to the pupils in a robust education programme as part of our Computing and PSHE curriculum. Our children are taught to understand the importance of internet safety, including the use of online games and social networking and how to behave appropriately online. They are taught to recognise online bullying and the forms it can take in an age appropriate format. Our children are taught to be aware of the need to share concerns with an adult of any content they see or messages they receive to help ensure their safety and wellbeing.
Bullying, harassment or abuse of any kind via digital technologies or mobile phones is not tolerated and complaints of cyber bullying will dealt with in accordance with the school’s Anti-Bullying and Behaviour Policy. Any online safety incidents are recorded and managed as part of our Safeguarding procedures and acted on accordingly.
Below are some links to resources and guidance to help our parents support the safety of their children while online at home:
Parental Controls & Privacy Settings Guides – Internet Matters
We implement a robust comprehensive internet safety education programme as an important element in creating a safe ICT learning environment, for both pupils and staff alike.
By being informed of the issues and potential risks, users of the internet and related technologies can better take measures to protect themselves and recognise when they might be in danger.
To support you with providing your child a safe space to explore online and ensure you reduce the risk of them seeing bad things when using devices, please find this great guide from our friends at Internet Matters. It lets you tailor the advice to the exact devices you have, so you get complete peace-of-mind
In school we have filtering to keep the children safe during the school day.
Please take time to watch the relevant videos linked below and read our e-safety policy attached.